Special Talk


by Prof. Dr. Clara Pracana,
Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy,
Lisbon, Portugal


The purpose of this talk is to reflect upon impermanence and change, from a psychological and psycho-analytical perspective. With change, comes loss and sometimes gain. Humans don’t like change, we were not hardwired for that. It makes us suffer, specially with loss that come with it. This can include many types of change, some lighter, some very difficult like unemployment, divorce, aging and the loss of beauty; others that may be really dramatic, like disease and death.
It’s our duty, as professionals, to reflect about it and help others to cope with this painful reality of life.

Keywords: Transience, transitoriness, change, aging, loss, disease, death, mourning.


Clara Pracana is a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, coach, author and lecturer. She was born in the Azores, Portugal. She has a Ph.D. in Applied Psychology and a Masters in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology. She is a founding and full member of the Portuguese Association of Psycoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, Portugal. She is a regular lecturer on psychoanalytical topics and has published several papers and four books. She is also a certified coach with the International Coaching Community (ICC). As a psychoanalyst, counselor, and coach, she has a private practice in Lisbon. Her research addresses anxiety, guilt and shame, depression, emotional intelligence, leadership, change, motivation, and group dynamics.