Psychological Applications and Trends 2024




Clinical Psychology

Psychotherapeutic playback theatre: Theatre as therapy (pages 3-7)
António-José Gonzalez, Margarida Pedroso de Lima, & Luís Preto

How does solution-focused management influence followership behavior? (pages 8-12)
Minoru Nishinobo

The memory divisions of Tulving versus Squire – Advantages and disadvantages for neuropsychology and memory assessment (pages 13-16)
Hans J. Markowitsch, & Angelica Staniloiu

Grossly reduced effort – A matter of will or of possibility? (pages 17-21)
Angelica Staniloiu, & Hans J. Markowitsch

The experiences of adolescent daughters of mothers diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (pages 22-26)
Marlize Heppell, & Lindi Nel

The application of Awareness Integration Theory, a trauma-informed care modality: A systematic review (pages 27-31)
Foojan Zeine, Nicole Jafari, & Kenneth Blum

Perceived social support and anxiety: The mediating role of self-compassion and the moderating role of culture (pages 32-36)
Lubna Tannous-Haddad, & Efrat Barel

Teachers’ well-being in Slovenia: The role of mindfulness and mindful teaching (pages 37-41)
Ana Kozina

Standardising medical seclusion reviews at the Harbor Psychiatric Hospital (pages 42-46)
Afifa Qamar, Chioma Elewa-Ikpakwu, & Chandrashekar Gangaraju

Sex and the clergy: An insider perspective on attitudes towards celibacy (pages 47-50)
Andrea Catania, & Mary-Anne Lauri

Development of a social skills checklist for adults and examination of its psychometric properties (pages 51-55)
Arkun Tatar, & Gaye Saltukoğlu

Wellbeing of secondary school students from Serbia: The role of gender, socioeconomic status and ethnic background (pages 56-60)
Nataša Simić, Svetlana Jović, & Danijela S. Petrović

Relationship between paranoia and hostility: The role of meta-beliefs (pages 61-65)
Carolina Papa, Micaela Di Consiglio, Marco Bassi de Toni, Vittoria Zaccari,
Francesco Mancini, & Alessandro Couyoumdjian

The positive impact of mindfulness retreats on physical and mental health well-being of non-clinical individuals (pages 66-70)
Nicole Jafari, & Laleh Mehrad

Evaluation of cognitive and behavioral effects of personality-based substance use prevention in Canada (pages 71-75)
Marvin Krank

Personality traits relevant to depression: Old associations, new perspectives (pages 76-80)
Gaye Saltukoğlu, & Arkun Tatar

Anxiety, social desirability, and coping styles in hypersexual and non-hypersexual men (pages 81-85)
Angelika Kleszczewska-Albińska

Fostering therapeutic alliance and long-term benefits through virtual collaboration in VRET
(pages 86-90)

Kristína Varšová, & Vojtěch Juřík

Healing through mirroring the other: A single case on sharing vulnerability in the therapeutic relationship (pages 91-95)
Carolina Papa, Erica Pugliese, Ramona Fimiani, & Claudia Perdighe

The meaningfulness of life: Its assessment and nature (pages 96-100)
Shulamith Kreitler

The PHQ-9 and GAD-7 depressive and anxiety multipurpose measures: Exploring gender differences and clinical utility regarding psychological flexibility (pages 101-105)
Danie A. Beaulieu, Abigail Daley, Lisa A. Best, & Cecile J. Proctor

Quality of life in aging: A survey for co-living (pages 106-110)
Marie J. Myers

Clinical interventions for children and adolescents in public mental health services in Brazil
(pages 111-115)

Luziane Zacché Avellar

Life on hold – Living with ambiguous loss (pages 116-120)
Lili Khechuashvili, & Mariam Gogichaishvili

Meaning making after malpractice complaints against psychologists: Losing the battle, winning the war (pages 121-125)
Esmé van Rensburg, & Hanlé Kirkcaldy

Educational Psychology

Epistemological framing in statistics courses for psychology students (pages 126-130)
Carlos Vargas Morales

Clinging to the dream: Predicting persistence among college students (pages 131-135)
Gaithri A. Fernando, Krishna Foster, Michael S. Joseph, Tina Salmassi, Valerie Talavera-Bustillos,
& Amber Pereira

Towards fair and responsible AI: A study using SWOT and four-component model to analyse ethical AI in education (pages 136-140)
Ruhul Amin Noel, & Gabriele M. Murry

Facilitators and barriers in the use of digital tools for adolescents and young adults with disabilities or troubles (pages 141-145)
Florent Halgand, Dorothée Trotier, Guillaume Souesme, Sophie Pivry, & Célia Maintenant

Early diagnosis and intervention of developmental dyslexia at the preschool age:
The role of stress (pages 146-150)
Victoria Zakopoulou, Elena Venizelou, Christos-Orestis Tsiantis, Alexandros Tzallas, George Dimakopoulos, & Maria Syrrou

Different aspects of identity and ethnic socialization practices of parents in Serbia (pages 151-155)
Milena Belić, Hana Sejfović, & Đerđi Erdeš-Kavečan

School climate – Teachers’ perspective (pages 156-160)
Danijela S. Petrović, Jovan Radosavljević, & Natalija Ignjatović

Study of the nature of young people’s enabling environments and their vocational identity, in the expression of their orientation choices, according to Sen’s capabilities theory (pages 161-165)
Sandrine Garin, Valérie Cohen-Scali, & Katia Terriot

Results from year two of a brain development unit with preservice teachers (pages 166-170)
Susie Morrissey, & Katharine Northcutt

Teacher’s perceptions of the usefulness of board games in elementary school (pages 171-174)
Pierre Cès, Mathilde Duflos, Anne-Lise Doyen, & Caroline Giraudeau

Social Psychology

Perceptions of inclusion professionals on employability of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A transnational study (pages 175-179)
Carla Sousa, Júlia Pereira, Paulina Tsvetkova, & Cátia Casimiro

Diversity management to reduce stereotypes and discrimination in society (pages 180-184)
Maija Zakrizevska-Belogrudova

Longitudinal changes in vocational interests in middle adolescence (pages 185-189)
Iva Šverko, Toni Babarović, Mirta Blažev, Iva Černja Rajter, & Dora Popović

Lifelong employability: Developing power to act in higher education students (pages 190-194)
Maria Cadilhe, Ana I. Rodrigues, Liliana Cunha, & Marta Santos

Qualitative study of body image and culture among Iranian-Americans (pages 195-199)
Sepehr Khosravi, & Amara Miller

Coping strategies as mediators of the relationship between high sensory processing sensitivity and compassion fatigue (pages 200-2004)
Jimmy Bordarie, & Caroline Mourtialon

Pastor or manager? Young priests placed into a role they did not sign up for (pages 205-2009)
Gottfried Catania, & Andre Mifsud

Adolescent’s attitude to foster or adopted children (pages 210-2014)
Elena Chebotareva

The pattern of change in autonomous career motivation in mid-adolescence (pages 215-2018)
Toni Babarović, Iva Šverko, & Eta Krpanec

Language of hate and discrimination in politics: Does it matter who we are to care (pages 219-2023)
Medea Despotashvili

Highly sensitivity, job satisfaction and work engagement among speech-language therapists
(pages 224-2028)

Jimmy Bordarie, & Olivia Gentilhomme

Profiles of professional identification in the French public service sector (pages 229-2033)
Victor Noble, & Evelyne Fouquereau

Better understanding the workers’ pre-implementation attitudes toward an organizational change (pages 234-2038)
Camille Reculet, & Evelyne Fouquereau

Exploring the representations of disabled women using the repertory grid technique (pages 239-2043)
Amy Camilleri-Zahra, Mary-Anne Lauri, & Gottfried Catania

Experiencing organizational change at university: The role of personal and job resources
(pages 244-2048)

Kristina Kovalcikiene, Aurelija Stelmokiene, Loreta Gustainiene,
& Giedre Geneviciute-Janone

The mediating role of contextual performance in the relationship between self-leadership and job satisfaction (pages 249-2053)
Íris Leão, & António Caetano

Factors influencing acculturation strategies of Armenians Azeris living in Georgia (pages 254-257)
Anna Gvetadze, & Ekaterine Pirtskhalava

The Covid-19 pandemic as a career shock: University students’ perspective (pages 258-260)
Ivana B. Petrović, Maja Ćurić Dražić, & Milica Vukelić

Identity strategies of Georgians migrants in Germany (pages 261-265)
Ekaterine Pirtskhalava, & Ina Shanava

Work addiction and work-related depression in Jamaica: What is the cost of too much work?
(pages 266-270)

Tracy A. McFarlane, & Sophia S. Morgan

Georgia’s political identity & middle corridor (pages 271-274)
Elene Kvanchilashvili, & Ekaterine Pirtskhalava

Legal Psychology

Violence risk appraisal and legal principles – From legal perspective to practical application
(pages 275-279)

Martina Feldhammer-Kahr, Nina Kaiser, Ida Leibetseder, & Martin Arendasy

Cognitive and Experimental Psychology

The influence of bilingualism on lexical access and categorization process in primary school children (pages 280-284)
Samira Bouayed, Annamaria Lammel, & Louise Goyet

What use is the reproductive imagination to the visitor of a museum exhibition? (pages 285-289)
Colette Dufresne-Tassé

The role of humour and absurdity in creating memorable and persuasive beverage advertisements (pages 290-294)
Md Jawadur Rahman, & Gabriele M. Murry

Physical and psychological survival as motives: Explaining all attention and memory (pages 295-298)
Rebecca C. Curtis

Improving machine learning prediction of constructs: Mental fatigue (pages 299-303)
Vojtěch Formánek, & Vojtěch Juřík

Mental cultural models: How modern Georgians perceive love, sexuality and family (pages 304-308)
Lali Surmanidze, & Tinatin Chkheidze

Does a smile signal happiness? Beliefs among laypersons about emotional facial expressions
(pages 309-313)

Derek J. Gaudet, & Lisa A. Best

Perception as an intelligent act (pages 314-318)
Martinho Moura, & Bruno Nobre

Environmental Psychology

Place attachment and the meaning of home for immigrants (pages 319-321)
Lystra Huggins

A descriptive-social-norm based intervention to increase a pro-environmental behavior in a restaurant (pages 322-324)
Alessia Dorigoni, & Nicolao Bonini

Being a climate volunteer in Turkey: Turning eco-anxiety into action (pages 325-328)
Meryem Demir Güdül

Impact of natural and urban environments on thermal pain perception: Experimental study in virtual environments (pages 329-333)
Anna Mucha, Ewa Wojtyna, & Anita Pollak

An exploration of eco-anxiety and environmental engagement in Malta using a mixed-methods research design (pages 334-338)
Claire Bonello, & Mary-Anne Lauri

Co-living as a choice for independent retired women: Hope for social transformation (pages 339-343)
Marie J. Myers

Health Psychology

A socio-technical systems approach for the prevention of Retained Foreign Objects (RFOs) in healthcare (pages 344-348)
Siobhán Corrigan, Alison Kay, Sam Cromie, & Katie O. Byrne

Psychological burden in atopic dermatitis patients (pages 349-352)
Valentina Cafaro, Massimo Giuliani, Norma Cameli, Alessandra Latini, Eugenia Giuliani, & Maria Mariano

Experiences accessing healthcare among 2SLGBTQIA+ people in Canada and the United States
(pages 353-357)

Patrick Hickey, Lisa A. Best, & David Speed

Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy

An investigation of the psychodynamic conceptualisation and treatment of moral masochism in substance use disorder (pages 358-362)
Kyle Muscat, & Greta Darmanin Kissaun

Anais Nin’s journal of incest (pages 363-366)
Michelle Morin-Odic


Clinical Psychology

Flexible expression of emotions in relation to symptoms of depression and anxiety
in emerging adulthood (pages 369-371)
Jakub Ladecký, & Ľubor Pilárik

Evaluating ChatGPT’s diagnostic capabilities for mental health disorders (pages 372-373)
Asaf Wishnia, Eyal Rosenstreich, & Uzi Levi

The computerization of the Abstract and Spatial Reasoning Test (ASRT) (pages 374-376)
Alessandra Alves Fonseca Vargas, & Larissa Gabardo-Martins

The situational test of emotional flexibility: The expert´s consensus on the emotion regulation strategy effectiveness (pages 377-379)
Ľubor Pilárik, Eva Virostková Nábělková, Zuzana Heinzová, & Lada Kaliská

Depression and HIV infection among MSM: The perfect storm toward chemsex (pages 380-382)
Stella Capodieci, Mauro Zaccarelli, Alessandra Latini, Christof Stingone, Maria Gabriella Doná,
& Massimo Giuliani

Greater positive facial responses to violence in highly-sexist perpetrators: Impact on IPVAW prevalence (pages 383-385)
Javier Comes-Fayos, Isabel Rodríguez Moreno, Sara Bressanutti, Carolina Sarrate Costa,
Marisol Lila Murillo, Ángel Romero-Martínez, & Luis Moya-Albiol

Expressive writing and meditation on test anxiety and academic performance (pages 386-388)
Hung Nguyen

Design and development of a speech-based diary for depression relapse prevention (pages 389-391)
Kyra Kannen, Zohre Azimi, Muhammad Saif-Ur-Rehman, Sonja Dana Roelen, Sebastian Schnieder,
Steffen Holsteg, André Karger, Philip Mildner, Jens Piesk, & Jarek Krajewski

The prevalence of adult ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder following the Covid-19 pandemic in a clinical population (pages 392-394)
Cheyann Labadie, Qinying (Kim) Wang, & Rubaba Ansari

Educational Psychology

Unlocking creative problem-solving with artificial intelligence (pages 395-397)
Jarosław Orzechowski, & Daria Kamińska

Subjects that address climate change and students’ knowledge: Mapping Portuguese middle and high schoolers’ perceptions (pages 398-400)
Marcelo Félix, Sara Miranda, Juliana Martins, & Jennifer Cunha

Predictors of student’s sense of belonging at school within different groups of students in Slovenia (pages 401-403)
Klaudija Šterman Ivančič

Understanding mindful teaching through teacher burnout and relational competence (pages 404-406)
Igor Peras, Manja Veldin, & Ana Kozina

Social Psychology

Fear’s altruistic quandary: Unraveling pro-social choices (pages 407-409)
Holly Cole, & Carmen Merrick

Involuntary career changes. Possible meaning and combination of resources for coping
(pages 410-412)

Anne Pignault, & Claude Houssemand

Positive Youth Development and PISA reading achievement in immigrant students:
The case of Slovenia, Portugal and Hungary (pages 413-415)
Ana Mlekuž

Regulators of digital strain and well-being in the organizational context (pages 416-418)
Eva Rošková, & Laura Šmatlavová

The duration of adolescent psychological distress and its association with employment characteristics in early adulthood: Evidence from the millennial generation in northern Taiwan (pages 419-421)
Tzu-Ling Tseng, Chi Chiao, & Wen-Hsu Lin

Optimising the electronic patient record: A human factors and systems thinking approach
(pages 422-423)

Maeve Moran

Nation divided: How do democratic and republican voters experience shared reality? (pages 424-426)
Marta Roczniewska, & Ewelina Purc

Syrian refugees in Brazil: The issue of groups (pages 427-429)
Carlos Antonio Massad Campos, & Edinete Maria Rosa

Legal Psychology

Father-child relationship, parasympathetic nervous system activity and aggressive behavior
(pages 430-432)

Yu Gao, Yonglin Huang, & Wei Zhang

Cognitive and Experimental Psychology

Artificial intelligence-generated advice: Hard to identify and perceived to be better than human advice (pages 433-435)
Otto J. B. Kuosmanen, & Tove I. Dahl

Motivation, decision-making, and self-regulatory processes in the developmental tasks’ attainment of emerging adults (pages 436-438)
Simona Ďurbisová

Assessing 12-month-old infants’ ability to attend to occlusion change-detection events in a virtual setting (pages 439-441)
Cecilia Nam, & Sandra Waxman

Time pressure and instinctive responses to driving dilemmas (pages 442-444)
Jacqueline Miller, Dong-Yuan Wang, Dan Richard, & Aiyin Jiang

Loneliness and motor control: Field and lab investigations (pages 445-446)
Eyal Rosenstreich, & Ayelet Dunsky

Environmental Psychology

Environmental memory and conservation of environmental behaviors (pages 447-449)
Amélie Lesenecal, & Annamaria Lammel

Adolescents’ climate change perceptions: Do climate change learning and engaging in environment-related groups matter? (pages 450-452)
Marcelo Félix, Sara Miranda, Pedro Rosário, & Jennifer Cunha

Health Psychology

Ego states and tendency towards psychosomatics (pages 453-455)
Kristina Ranđelović, Miljana Nikolić, & Jelisaveta Todorović

Personality traits and tendency towards psychosomatics (pages 456-458)
Miljana Spasić Šnele, Jelisaveta Todorović, & Miljana Nikolić

Leaders and followers’ different experiences of remote versus office working and its influence on
(pages 459-461)

Adele Grazi, & Finian Buckley

Students co-designing the characteristics of a digital mental health program: Insights from Slovenia (pages 462-464)
Manja Veldin, Igor Peras, & Maša Vidmar

A secondary analysis of a systematic literature review on nocturnal caregiving for juveniles with type 1 diabetes – From the perspective of the lived experience (pages 465-467)
Vivienne Howard, Rebecca Maguire, & Siobhán Corrigan

Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy

Help-seeking intentions of Slovak university students during the Covid-19 pandemic (pages 468-470)
Ján Kulan, & Oľga Orosová


Clinical Psychology

Elkins hypnotizability scale: Adaptation of the French version (pages 473-477)
Frédérique Robin, Sacha Morice, Elise Le Berre, & Marion Letellier

Childhood emotional abuse and problematic internet use: Trait mindfulness and dissociative experiences as mediators (pages 478-482)
Valeria Verrastro, Valeria Saladino, Danilo Calaresi, Janine Gullo, & Francesca Cuzzocrea

Demoralization affects quality of life in terminal cancer patients in palliative care (pages 483-487)
Valentina Tesio, Andrea Bovero, & Ada Ghiggia

Parent training based on parental reflective function on the well-being of the family in ASD
(pages 488-492)

Antonella Cavallaro, Luca Simione, & Alessandro Frolli

Psychological interventions for mesothelioma patients and their caregivers (pages 493-497)
Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Maria Domenica Sauta, Francesca Barbagli, Alessandra De Luca,
& Antonella Granieri

Post-traumatic growth effects in severe Covid-19 survivors: A qualitative study (pages 498-502)
Gabriela Aissa Suciu, & Adriana Baban

Dynamics of autism symptoms in 3-6-year-olds within the framework of a 4-factor model
(pages 503-507)

Andrey Nasledov, Sergey Miroshnikov, & Liubov Tkacheva

Unraveling the complex interplay of affective neuropersonality and empathy (pages 508-511)
İbrahim Gökşin Başer, Zeynep Temel, Melek Astar, & Itır Tarı Cömert

Attitude towards mental illness and its effect on seeking psychological treatment among university students (pages 512-516)
Getrude Cosmas, Eric Manuel Torres, Lua Pei Lin, & Kok Ann Gie

Sensory profile and adaptation in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without cognitive impairment (pages 517-521)
Antonella Cavallaro, Luca Simione, & Alessandro Frolli

Generational continuity: A study on early maladaptive schemas passed from mothers to adult children (pages 522-526)
Zişan Şaroğlu, & Melek Astar

Self-handicapping in adults: Relationship with perfectionism, self-critical rumination and metacognitive beliefs (pages 527-531)
Arzu Nur Manav, & Zeynep Temel

MMPI-A temporal stability study in two samples of Portuguese adolescents, with and without clinical complaints (pages 532-536)
Maria João Santos, Maria João Afonso, & Rosa Novo

Educational Psychology

Exploring what learning styles generation Z students prefer: A case of Indonesian undergraduates (pages 537-541)
Yoshitaka Yamazaki, Michiko Toyama, & Murwani Dewi Wijayanti

Slovak adolescents’ self-concept as a predictor of their school engagement (pages 542-546)
Beata Žitniakova Gurgová, & Lenka Ďuricová

Achievement goal motivation and reliance on ChatGPT for learning (pages 547-551)
Ana Stojanov

Teacher practice supporting student school readiness skills: A qualitative longitudinal study related to Covid-19 from mid-2020 to mid-2023 (pages 552-556)
Eileen Manoukian, & Mary Barbara Trube

Examining the educational effects of cooperative learning using a giant maze in virtual reality
(pages 557-561)

Aya Fujisawa

The language practices of parents and caregivers in raising Malay-English bilinguals – A conceptual paper (pages 562-566)
Fatin Nadiah Mahmud, & Khazriyati Salehuddin

Emotional intelligence and social media use: Dissociative experiences and fear of missing out as mediators (pages 567-571)
Danilo Calaresi, Francesca Cuzzocrea, Valeria Saladino, Francesca Liga, & Valeria Verrastro

The impact of assistive technologies in educational settings for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders: A national pilot study (pages 572-576)
Snezhana Kostova, Anna Lekova, & Paulina Tsvetkova

Mentalization, soft skills and learning (pages 577-581)
Alessandro Frolli, Francesco Cerciello, Clara Esposito, Rossana Pia Laccone, & Fabio Bisogni

Descriptive normative beliefs among young adolescents. A Solomon four group design
(pages 582-586)

Oľga Orosová, Ondrej Kalina, Beáta Gajdošová, & Jozef Benka

Gender perceptions and attitudes in ICT: a comparative study among university students
(pages 587-591)

Tatiana Pethö, Miroslava Bozogáňová, & Monika Magdová

Technology competence and motivational styles of school administrators as correlate
to teachers’ performance (pages 592-596)
Moniquo A. Santos, Elenita M. Tiamzon, Ma. Rosario M. Quejado, & Erico M. Habijan

Perception of visual narrative as a component of digital natives’ internal communication
(pages 597-600)

Sandra Veinberg

Mentalization, educational style and learning (pages 601-605)
Alessandro Frolli, Clara Esposito, Francesco Cerciello, Rossana Pia Laccone,
& Fabio Bisogni

Social Psychology

The predictive influence of the Big Five personality traits on adolescent self-concept (pages 606-610)
Lucia Paskova, & Lenka Ďuricová

Leader’s self-efficacy and general self-efficacy in the context of transformative leadership
(pages 611-615)
Lucia Paskova, & Eva Sollarova

Social anxiety and speech anxiety. The mediating role of confidence as a speaker (pages 616-620)
Dan Florin Stănescu, & Marius Constantin Romașcanu

Slovak adolescents’ self-concept in relation to perceived parental acceptance (pages 621-625)
Lenka Ďuricová, & Beata Žitniakova Gurgová

Evaluating the effectiveness of exposure to counterstereotypic fathers on reducing implicit father and mother stereotypes in Japan: Ⅱ (pages 626-629)
Mizuka Ohtaka

Impacts of employment duration and work performance on job mismatched graduates’ use of defence mechanisms (pages 630-634)
Getrude Cosmas

Factors related to access to fatherhood and motherhood (pages 635-639)
Leire Iriarte, Leire Gordo, & Susana Corral

Exploring the factors influencing turnover of Slovak teachers (pages 640-644)
Monika Magdová, Miroslava Bozogáňová, Marianna Berinšterová, & Tatiana Pethö

The feasibility of a retirement preparation program based on resources for the Brazilian context
(pages 645-649)

Mariana Motta da Costa Broilo França, & Silvia Miranda Amorim

Measuring chemophobia in an Italian sample to successfully implement a social marketing campaign (pages 650-654)
Sebastiano Rapisarda, Damiano Girardi, Elvira Arcucci, Alessandra Falco, & Laura Dal Corso

Exploring the linkages between personality and employee-unemployed happiness: Preliminary study (pages 655-658)
Nevin Kılıç, & Arkun Tatar

Facilitating acculturation in educational settings: An analysis of policies and practices for supporting foreign students in Irish higher education (pages 659-663)
Borui Zheng, & Keegan Covey

Exploring the current crisis of masculinity and rise of feminism amongst younger youth
(pages 664-668)

Sheel Chakraborty

Depiction and description of war and peace: a pilot study (pages 669-673)
Kristi Kõiv, & Liis Leilop

The role of leadership self-efficacy in developing academic and professional leaders (pages 674-678)
Kalliopi Selioti, & Rania Abdalla

Legal Psychology

Exploring the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and perfectionism in adults: A study in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pages 679-683)
Selvira Draganović, & Belma Oruč

Cognitive and Experimental Psychology

Everyday memory questionnaire [13-items]: European Portuguese translation and psychometric characterization (pages 684-688)
Bruna Ribeiro, Pedro F. S. Rodrigues, Sara M. Fernandes, Susana Rubio-Valdehita,
& Ramón López-Higes

Variables that allow a reliable classification of older people with different levels of cognitive state (pages 689-693)
Ramón López-Higes, Susana Rubio-Valdehita, Pedro F. S. Rodrigues, & Sara M. Fernandes

Cognitive functions in a series of patients after acute Covid 19 infection – Case series (pages 694-698)
Miroslava Hristova, Radka Massaldjieva, Lyubomir Chervenkov, & Penka Atanassova

Study on cognitive profiles of Parkinson’s disease patients with and without rapid eye movement behavior disorder (pages 699-703)
Zeynep Temel, Ali Behram Salar, Tuğçe Kahraman, & Lütfü Hanoğlu

Environmental Psychology

Pro-environmental behaviour through the lens of the Mini-IPIP6 consumer personality scale in South Africa (pages 704-708)
Heleen Dreyer, Daleen van der Merwe, & Nadine Sonnenberg

Health Psychology

Trait emotional intelligence in women with breast cancer: Investigating pathways towards depressive symptomatology through blame (pages 709-713)
Nadia Barberis, Janine Gullo, & Marco Cannavò

“I didn’t choose to have my breast removed”: Brazilian lesbian/bisexual women’s journey through breast cancer (pages 714-718)
Carolina de Souza, Katherine Bristowe, & Manoel Antônio dos Santos


Clinical Psychology

Awareness Integration Theory: An evidence-based multi-modality approach workshop (pages 721-723)
Foojan Zeine, & Nicole Jafari

Facing challenges: The positive impact of psychological flexibility (pages 724-726)
Danie A. Beaulieu, Abigail Daley, Derek J. Gaudet, Cecile J. Proctor, Patrick Hickey,
& Lisa A. Best

Guided mindfulness practices for healthcare professionals: Using nature to practice self-care and reach inner peace (pages 727-729)
Laleh Mehrad, & Nicole Jafari

Mindfulness biofeedback treatment for improved attention and other cognitive functions: Technique, tools and application for clinicians and researchers (pages 730-732)
Rose Schnabel

Cognitive and Experimental Psychology

Predicting behavior: Why, what for, and how (pages 733-735)
Shulamith Kreitler

Health Psychology

Moving from consultation to partnership: strategies for meaningful Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research (pages 736-738)
Natalia Duda, Isaiah Gitonga, Siobhán Corrigan, & Rebecca Maguire