
Click Here to register using our electronic system.

>> Before registering, please read carefully all the instructions below <<

Conference Registration Fees:

Categories Early Registration Fees
(until 9 December 2024)*
Late or Onsite**
Registration Fees
REGULAR (In Person) 475 € 520 €

* Each Call for Abstracts (CFA) has its own deadlines. Authors of accepted abstracts should follow the deadline and instructions sent in the notification email.
** We only accept Onsite Registrations of Participants/Listeners. Authors of accepted abstracts should register prior to the conference, to guarantee publication and presentation.

Conference registration fees include:

  • Admission to all conference sessions;
  • A printed copy of the Book of Abstracts;
  • Electronic copies of the Book of Proceedings and Book of Abstracts; (included in the Virtual Presentation fee)
  • Final Conference Program (printed version);
  • Conference bag;
  • Name Badge;
  • Certificate of attendance as the author of a presentation, or as a participant; (included in the Virtual Presentation fee)
  • Coffee breaks and Luncheons;
  • All registered participants are invited to attend for free the Social Event (Tour + Dinner) that we are organizing but only upon confirming attendance in this social event, otherwise we cannot guarantee available seats (we will send an email to all registered participants asking for this confirmation before the conference starts).


  • Hard-copy of the Book of Proceedings = 60 € (per volume)
  • Extra ticket for Social Event = 65 €

Registration notes:

  • One author registration can cover a maximum of two accepted presentations (Oral, Poster, Virtual), or one Workshop presentation, but only the access of one author to the conference. If more than one co-author wants to attend the conference, he or she should also register;
  • Only the registered accepted presentations can be presented (oral, poster or other) at the conference.
  • Only the registered participants can enter the conference area (as authors of presentations or as general public).

Important Note: Please DO NOT use any Accent marks and/or Diacritical marks in the registration form, since our online platform doesn’t recognize them.


All payments must be made in Euros. Registration forms must be accompanied by appropriate remittance, otherwise, registration will not be accepted.

Payments must be made in full and can be made (in the order of preference) by:

  • Credit Card (Visa, Euro/Mastercard, American Express)
  • Bank transfer (free of charges for the recipient – bank details available in the registration form)

Cancellation and Refunding:

All conference registration cancellations must be sent to the Conference Secretariat prior to February 28th, 2025 and will be charged a fee (180 €) per registration. NO REFUND will be granted after this date or for a no-show.