Saturday, April 23

08:30 – 18:20

Welcome Desk – Information and registration (Room: Selvagens IV)

09:40 – 10:00

OPENING SESSION (Room: Selvagens I)

10:00 – 11:00

Keynote Speaker Session

(Room: Selvagens I)

Supporting the mental health needs of forcibly displaced people

Prof. Ross White, Professor of Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:50



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens I)

Social emotional learning: developing the adolescent (OP_056)

Alli Cipra, & Shannon Dermer


Promoting mental health at school: implications for teachers’ personal development (OP_124)

Aurora Adina Colomeischi


Does physical immersion help adult visitors processing works of art exhibited in a museum? (OP_243)

Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Eliette Reisacher, Camille Venuat, & Louise Giroux


Students perceived academic stress, sense of belonging, adaptability, sports and depression in the second year of the pandemic (OP_170)

Martina Feldhammer-Kahr, Martin Arendasy, & Manuela Paechter

11:30 – 12:30



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens III)

Pain anxiety, affect, coping and resilience among rheumatoid arthritis patients (OP_041)

Rajendra Mhaske


Self-destructive behaviors, self-esteem, anxiety, and social desirability in people with personality and mood disorders (OP_192)

Angelika Kleszczewska-Albińska


An exploratory investigation of using Sandtray in couples therapy (OP_078)

Martha Mason

12:50 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:30



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens I)

COVID-19 Impact on meaningfulness of life, quality of life and psychological immunity (OP_081)

Shulamith Kreitler, & Muhammad Badarnee


Microaggressions toward minority university students and their mental health symptoms one year later (OP_025)

Arthur W. Blume


Manipulating experimentally with sexual desire – the impact of inner sexual fantasies (OP_018)

Toivo Aavik




Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens III)

Correlational analysis between approximate numerical estimate and math abilities: a study with first-grade school students (OP_075)

Eduardo Guimarães Mielo, & Paulo Sérgio Teixeira do Prado


Socio-emotional competences and their relationships with school engagement and future orientation in primary school children (OP_097)

Teresa Maria Sgaramella, Lea Ferrari, Margherita Bortoluzzi & Grazia Barbara Conti


Unraveling the role of socio-emotional competencies between future time perspective and subjective wellbeing across adulthood (OP_099)

Teresa Maria Sgaramella, & Laura Foresta


Special Talk

(Room: Selvagens I)

Psychoanalysis and Buddhism: the true nature of the mind

Dr. Ana Gaspar, & Prof. Clara Pracana, Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, Lisbon, Portugal

16:25 – 17:00

Coffee Break

17:00 – 18:20


Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens III)

The satisfaction of being a rebel (OP_026)

Bernard Gangloff, Luisa Mayoral, & Amine Rezrazi


Family supportive supervisor behavior perceptions and work-family boundary control on lockdown teleworkers: Portugal and Pakistan comparison (OP_191)

Vânia Carvalho, Hassan Imam, Maria José Chambel, & Mariana Santos


Understanding the complex relationship between organizational psychological ownership and organisational citizenship behaviours during covid19 crisis (OP_219)

Jimmy Bordarie, & Romuald Grouille


Migratory grief, coping, and psychological distress of vulnerable groups in mobility in Spain (OP_045)

Alexander Lopez de Leon, & Susana Puertas




Sunday, April 24

09:00 – 15:30

Welcome Desk – Information and registration (Room: Selvagens IV)

10:00 – 11:00



Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens I)

Maladaptive cognitions and emotional regulation in PTSD (OP_012)

Nawal Ouhmad, Wissam El-Hage, & Nicolas Combalbert


Dance movement therapy processes and interventions in the treatment of children with anxiety disorders derived from treatment
therapy logs

Ayala Bresler Nardi, Michal Bat Or, & Einat Shuper Engelhard


The importance of a synchrony between emotion and memory – cases with dissociative amnesia (OP_165)

Hans J. Markowitsch, & Angelica Staniloiu

09:40 – 11:00



Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens III)

Does vaccine scarcity influence the effect of conspiracy beliefs on intention to vaccinate against covid-19? (OP_190)

Jimmy Bordarie, Hélène Coillot, & Véronique Plichon


The EU project connect!: From the reports to the higher education course (OP_096)

Lea Ferrari, & Teresa Maria Sgaramella


Sources of transition-to-work self-efficacy: career exploration and social support (OP_200)

Diana Vieira, & Viviana Meirinhos


Positive youth development in Slovenia: Test of a model (OP_035)

Ana Kozina, & Tina Pivec

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:50





(Room: Selvagens I)

Moral distress of schoolteachers (research review) (P_027)

Veronika Ondrackova Dacerova, & Katerina Bartosova


Learning words while listening to syllables: insights from Neuroscience (P_031)

Ana Paula Soares, Helena Oliveira, & Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez


Can artificial intelligence support creative problem-solving? (P_043)

Jarosław Orzechowski, Daria Kamińska, & Paweł Jemioło


What components should be strengthened by working with a couple to increase their relationship satisfaction and their well-being? (P_047)

Daria Kamińska, Jarosław Orzechowski, & Anna Siwy-Hudowska


Adolescents´ sense of belonging at school: the role of empathy and individual characteristics (P_064)

Manja Veldin, & Ana Kozina


Universality and cultural diversity in moral systems among weird and non-weird societies: a case study of France and Morocco (P_065)

Lina Bentahila, Roger Fontaine, & Valérie Pennequin


Using virtual reality to assess reading fluency in children (P_077)

Jonathan Mirault, Jean-Patrice Albrand, Julie Lassault, Jonathan Grainger, & Johannes C. Ziegler


Cultural diversity at work: concepts, perceived consequences and personal resources for French agricultural employees (P_092)

Alexandrine Ceschiutti, & René Mokounkolo


Impulsivity and emotion regulation in gifted adults with addictive behaviors (P_094)

Clothilde Moreau, Mathilde Auclain, Aurélie Rucart, & Servane Barrault


Successful aging: the contribution of personality variables (P_120)

Elina Van Dendaele, Kristell Pothier, & Nathalie Bailly


Learning habits: does the digital generation have digital stress and how does it affect the learning of mathematics? (P_121)

Aija Cunska


Food addiction and adult adhd symptoms among bariatric surgery candidates: are they associated with poorer quality of life? (P_128)

Sarah El Archi, Paul Brunault, Arnaud De Luca, Régis Hankard, Céline Bourbao-Tournois, Nicolas Ballon, & Servane Barrault


Verification of psychometric properties of the Insomnia Type Questionnaire (ITQ) in the Czech population (P_140)

Veronika Ondrackova Dacerova, Katerina Bartosova, & Veronika Vesela


Investigating the relationship between attentional filtering and memory performance in virtual reality environment (P_157)

Marlen Schmicker, Sophia Mattke, & Inga Menze


Development of reading literacy in foreign language and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder children (P_226)

Silvia Hvozdíková, & Eva Stranovská

12:50 – 14:20


14:20 – 15:00



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens I)

Experiences of women seeking protection from intimate partner violence in the Kurdish region of Iraq (OP_040)

Parzheen Mohammad, & Sandra G. Zakowski


The perceived impact of societal codes of shame on Maltese psychotherapists (OP_119)

Greta Darmanin Kissaun, & Marilyn Clark

14:20 – 15:00



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens III)

The fragility of remembering – data from clinical cases (OP_166)

Angelica Staniloiu, & Hans J. Markowitsch


Effect of mock juror gender on the judgment of child sexual abuse (OP_122)

Manon Maillard, Nicolas Combalbert, & Anne Taillandier-Schmitt

15:00 – 15:30

Special Talk

(Room: Selvagens I)

30 Years as a psychologist working on the problem of accidental awareness during general anaesthesia and surgery: a reflection

Prof. Michael Wang, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Leicester, United Kingdom


Social Event (Tour and Dinner)



Monday, April 25

09:00 – 12:40

Welcome Desk – Information and registration (Room: Selvagens IV)

09:40 – 11:00



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens I)

Children’s creativity to co-create healthy corridors (OP_232)

Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Vitório Leite, & Beatriz Caitana da Silva


Creative mindsets. Is it possible to have both fixed and growth mindsets? (OP_052)

Sema Karakelle, & Seda Saraç


Building a common strength culture integrating child, parents, and teacher title (OP_114)

Martine Regourd Laizeau, Marion Laizeau, & Virginie Genestier


Educational advances across all language domains: results and extensions from the dynamic tricky mix model (OP_070)

Keith E. Nelson

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:30



Oral Presentations

Parallel Session


(Room: Selvagens I)

Online-therapy: is necessity the mother of invention? (OP_108)

Rubin Osnat


Organisational readiness for implementing internet-based cognitive behavioural interventions for depression across community mental health services in Albania and Kosovo (OP_229)

Arlinda Cerga Pashoja, Asmae Doukani, Naim Fanaj, Gentiana Qirjako, Andia Meksi, Sevim Mustafa, Christiaan Vis, & Juliane Hug


Assessment of differences in aggressive potential and antisocial traits in hospitalized forensic patients using Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) (OP_074)

Anica Prosnik Domjan


CLOSING SESSION (Room: Selvagens I)




In parallel with the in-person sessions, all participants can follow the virtual presentations available below.

Virtual Presentations – Please check at

All Areas


Virtual Presentations

A preliminary study on the educational effects of online moral dilemma discussions of college students (VP_022)

Aya Fujisawa


Digital distractions: Learning in multitasking environment (VP_023)

Jelena Opsenica Kostić, & Kristina R. Ranđelović


Boredom and online learning motivated attention and regulation strategies during COVID-19 (VP_024)

Kristina Ranđelović, & Jelena Opsenica Kostić


Depressive symptoms in early-married women: The effect of social support and marital power (VP_030)

Büşra Aslan Cevheroğlu


Self-care process in cardiovascular disease: observational study on outpatients’ pathway (P_033)

Jessica Ranieri, Federica Guerra, Eleonora Cilli, Dina Di Giacomo, & Claudio Ferri


Health management in patients with chronic diseases: factors improving self-care mastering (P_034)

Federica Guerra, Jessica Ranieri, Eleonora Cilli, Dina Di Giacomo, & Claudio Ferri


Do the demographic variables contribute to emotion regulation and empathy among navy personnel? (VP_036)

Getrude C. Ah Gang


Stereotypes toward voluntarily childless people (VP_038)

Sönmez Burçak


Clinical assessment in a professional setting: are there implications for self-reports of psychopathology? (VP_039)

Bárbara Gonzalez, Rosa Novo, & Maria João Afonso


Some symptoms of mental disorders among SARS-CoV-2 2 patients in a field hospital: a pilot study (VP_042)

Chung Nguyen Viet, Huong Tran Thu, Chien Nguyen Huu, & Giang Nong Thi Ngan


LEXIAD, the first dyslexia-specific Cyrillic font compared to the popular times new roman and Roboto fonts when read by adults (VP_046)

Svetlana Alexeeva, Vladislav Zubov, & Yana Nikonova


The development of infant language in the first 12 to 42 months of life: A thematic review of protective and risk factors (VP_053)

Ahmed Alduais, & Alexander Nicolai Wendt


From structuralist to poststructuralist psychoanalysis (VP_054)

Daniela Cârstea


Development of a cross-cultural competency scale based on the experiential model of cross-cultural learning skills (VP_055)

Yoshitaka Yamazaki, & Michiko Toyama


Dynamics of ideas about future marriage among young women with different moral orientation of personality (VP_060)

Svetlana Merzlyakova, & Marina Golubeva


Understanding metaphors: Getting started with TCM junior (VP_062)

Ana Paula Couceiro Figueira, & Cátia Santos


Why donate and for what? The pseudoinefficacy bias in donating behavior (VP_067)

Francesco Tommasi, Sofia Morandini, Anna Maria Meneghini, Andrea Ceschi, Riccardo Sartori, & Marija Gostimir


Fostering employability at work through job crafting (VP_068)

Riccardo Sartori, Francesco Tommasi, Andrea Ceschi, Giorgia Giusto, Sofia Morandini, Beniamino Caputo, & Marija Gostimir


The empirical research of college students’ background of arts education and relationship with mental health (VP_069)

Li Hongju, Fan Xiaomin, Ji Shuwen, & Yu Qian


The effect of happiness and religious faith on Christian youth’s resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic (VP_072)

Getrude C. Ah Gang, & Eric Manuel Torres


Dietary intake and emotional eating in healthy women: results from the 14-day food diaries in a real-life context (VP_082)

Anna Brytek-Matera, Daniel O’Leary, Paweł Jagielski, Magdalena Mróz, Joanna Szubert, & James J. Gross


The polish adaptation of the brief measure of relationship importance (VP_083)

Katarzyna Adamczyk, Agata Dębek, Dominika Kaczmarek, Nicola Łazarów, & Sebastian Pietrzak


Addressing emotional and resilience inequality among college students via an online academic resilience course (VP_084)

Moria Golan, & Dor Cohen-Asiag


Impact of music therapy in personality development (VP_085)

Shveata Mishra, & Ina Shastri


Linking modal and amodal representations through language computational models (VP_093)

Diego Iglesias, Miguel A. Sorrel & Ricardo Olmos


Genes as a defense to homicide: trends in neurocriminology (VP_095)

Janet Brewer


An explorative study on users’ motivation and adoption of wearables technologies using the technology acceptance model (TAM) (VP_103)

Dan Florin Stănescu, & Marius Constantin Romașcanu


Integrative research review of the impacts of unilateral hand clenching on behavior: Clinical implications (VP_107)

Shannon Schierenbeck, & Ruth E. Propper


Towards understanding risk and protection perspectives of young Bedouin children (P_110)

Ibtisam Marey-Sarwan


Arab youths’ expectations of parents and perceptions of child neglect (VP_111)

Ibtisam Marey-Sarwan


Differences in children emotional valence ratings of words and pictures (VP_112)

Johanne Belmon, Magali Noyer-Martin, & Sandra Jhean-Larose


Psychosocial impact of virtual networks on university students (VP_117)

Ericka Matus, & Lorena Matus


Examining attitudes towards ageing (VP_118)

Madison Herrington, & Lilly E. Both


Dark triad characteristics among students of management and teaching disciplines (VP_126)

Marianna Berinšterová, Miroslava Bozogáňová, & Tatiana Pethö


Acculturation, parenting practices and the transmission of cultural and religious values in Muslim immigrant families (VP_129)

Dalia El Brashy, & Anna Miglietta


Can perceived social support protect against emotional exhaustion in smart workers? A longitudinal study (VP_130)

Damiano Girardi, Laura Dal Corso, Elvira Arcucci, Annamaria Di Sipio, & Alessandra Falco


Art Therapy with Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children and their Parents: Preliminary Findings of a Thorough Literature Review (VP_132)

Nehama Grenimann Bauch


Intergroup anxiety and national identity among Slovaks (preliminary findings) (VP_133)

Miroslava Bozogáňová, & Tatiana Pethö


Atypical social cognition in bullying: How pre-adolescents mentalize emotions (VP_134)

Maria Luisa Pedditzi, Roberta Fadda, & Tricia Striano Skoler


Professionals, streamers and amateur players: an ethnography for exploring organizational behaviours in different work-play conditions (VP_135)

Arianna Boldi, Amon Rapp, & Maurizio Tirassa


How innovation drives inclusion: opportunities and challenges of online psychological intervention (VP_137)

Diletta Mora, Damiano Girardi, Natalia Grinko, & Alessandro De Carlo


Moms immersed in their work: virtual reality and mental health promotion after maternity leave (VP_138)

Sebastiano Rapisarda, Alessandra Falco, Alessandro De Carlo, Barbara Barbieri, & Laura Dal Corso


Polyamorous trios in family law and Canadian schools what is normal for students in today’s classroom? (VP_149)

Stephanie A. Sadownik


Emotional language-pedagogy of the oppressed 50 years on (VP_152)

Stephanie A. Sadownik


Consequences of impression management - when looking good online is more about sadism than truth (VP_153)

Stephanie A. Sadownik


What characterizes those who are willing to provide online counseling? (VP_154)

Dorit Alt, & Meyran Boniel-Nissim


Altered states of consciousness in gambling and internet gaming disorders as a risk factor for addiction (VP_155)

Tetiana Zinchenko, & Edward Shatochin


Factors of distress in endometriosis: The interplay between trait emotional intelligence and pain (VP_158)

Nadia Barberis, Marco Cannavò, & Francesca Cuzzocrea


Changes in the state of medical students during participation in a perceptual experiment (VP_162)

Aleksey Grigorev, & Elena Lyakso


Quality of life and coping with disease-related stress in patients after amputation of a lower limb (VP_163)

Ekaterina Usmanova, Maria Iakovleva, Olga Shchelkova, & Maria Berezantseva


Socio-psychological factors and emigration plans among university students in Slovakia during the COVID-19 pandemic (VP_168)

Frederika Lučanská, & Oľga Orosová


Relevance of education and environment on religiosity, quality of life and happiness (VP_169)

Manju Kumar


Sources of changes in leadership styles in healthcare in Bulgaria during COVID 19 crisis (VP_172)

Mayiana Mitevska, Paulina Tsvetkova, & Elitsa Banko Ntountoulaki


Testing the theory of planned behavior in determining intention to sexting (VP_188)

Arta Dodaj, Kristina Sesar, & Bruno Barać


Love and intimate relationships in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders (VP_189)

Ana Beato, & Mariana Correia


Spatio-temporal cube for visualizing cultural collections: Exploring a user-friendly rotational representation with different spatial ability (VP_193)

Hironori Oto, Kazuo Isoda, & Ichiro Hisanaga


Psychological well-being and self-care amidst COVID-19 pandemic among bachelor of science in psychology students of world Citi colleges (VP_196)

Hazel Martinez, & Elenita M. Tiamzon


Ethical climate in organization and employees acceptance of corruptive rationalizations (VP_201)

Nebojša Majstorović, & Ivana B. Petrović


Behavioural self-regulation and employees’ health (VP_202)

Nebojša Majstorović, Ana Komlenić, & Radojka Šolak


The dynamics of secondary traumatisation in therapy with victims of torture (VP_203)

Anna Krimmer


Teacher training students’ stereotypic imagines of career counsellor through drawings (VP_204)

Kristi Kõiv, Ari Jussila, & Inita Soika


The reconsolidation of traumatic memories (RTM) protocol for PTSD: A treatment that works (VP_216)

Richard Gray


Gender, age, and children at home influence risky behavior in adults (VP_217)

Janine M. Ray, Polina Kats-Kariyanakatte, Latrease R. Moore, & Kristine M. Jacquin


The relationship between hazard perception, risk assessment and different driving styles: Lithuanian sample (VP_218)

Justina Slavinskienė, & Auksė Endriulaitienė


Will the choice of parenting style be affected by parents’ self-efficacy and self perception of control (VP_220)

Yao Song, & Raymond W.M. Chan


Enactment and imagination encoding create false memories of scripted actions (VP_221)

Frédérique Robin, & Canelle Garnier


“No post-trauma after trauma?” A qualitative study with refugee helpers being confronted with sequential traumatization (VP_222)

Beate Rohrer


The effect of a school prevention program on alcohol consumption. A Solomon four group design (VP_223)

Oľga Orosová, Beáta Gajdošová, & Jozef Benka


The good and the bad of borderline personality presented symptoms: Overlaps with the transgender journey of self-actualization (VP_235)

Janine M. Ray, Christina Cook, Olivia Mounet, & Wallace Wong


Social distancing in response to covid-19: an empirical investigation (VP_240)

Calogero Lo Destro